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Website Analytics

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Peter Drucker

This timeless piece of wisdom is especially relevant for companies that want to leverage their websites to address issues and create new opportunities. Managing a website without analytics is like piloting a plane without instruments. Without a way to monitor and evaluate your digital and internet marketing efforts, you lack a clear understanding of performance against predefined objectives, and ROI. Once you understand who is using your website and how, you can make more informed decisions about your website, digital marketing, and overall business strategy.

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Why Website Analytics Matter

Website analytics provide a clear picture of who your audience is, how they behave, and what they’re looking for. With this invaluable knowledge in hand, you are poised to make strategic decisions that drive growth, improve user experience, and bolster your business’s online success.

  • Visibility: By measuring your website’s performance, you can clearly see which parts of your site are working well and which areas require additional attention.
  • Optimization: Analytics tools can pinpoint where users drop off in engagement or conversion, helping you refine and optimize specific pages for improved results.
  • Decision Making: Armed with data, you can make informed decisions about website modifications, enhancements, and corrections, rather than relying solely on gut feel or past experiences alone.

Introducing Google’s Suite of Analytical Tools

Google offers a suite of powerful, free tools designed to significantly improve your online presence:

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Provides insights into who visits your website, what actions they take once they’re there, and the channels they use to find you.

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Primarily focused on search, this tool offers data regarding your website’s visibility on Google. It showcases the search queries that lead users to your site, pinpoints potential crawl errors, and provides other vital insights to improve your visibility.

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This platform allows users to manage and deploy tags (snippets of code or tracking pixels) on your website without the need to modify code.

It’s Not Just About the Data

Using Google’s suite of analytical tools to capture stats on visitors is crucial, but it’s not sufficient. The objective isn’t merely to collect data, but to discern non-obvious insights that address challenges and unveil opportunities to boost your company’s performance. The real value lies in transforming the data you’ve gathered into precise, actionable insights. While it’s valuable to know that 1,000 people visited your website yesterday, understanding why 500 left without converting is vital.

How Paradigm Can Help You Leverage Google’s Analytical Tools

While Google provides a range of impressive and indispensable tools, their true value emerges only when used correctly, enabling you to gather accurate insights for key business decisions. However, we recognize that navigating Google’s suite of tools can be daunting, frustrating, and time-consuming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with them. That’s where Paradigm steps in. We can collaborate with you to:

  • Determine the data most relevant to your business,
  • Ensure your accounts are set up correctly to capture the necessary data,
  • Tailor reporting to align with your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), be it through a basic dashboard or a customized solution, and
  • Offer insights and strategic advice based on findings from Google’s tools.

Aligning, configuring, and optimizing Google Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager with your business objectives is as essential as setting the correct destination in your GPS before beginning a journey.

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What Is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a tool that tracks, measures and reports on your website’s visitors and their activities. This data helps you enhance your website and marketing tactics. The latest version of Google Analytics is called Google Analytics 4. It’s a robust tool that offers insights into your website’s strengths, weaknesses, online advertising impact, and visitor behaviors.

With Google Analytics, you gain a thorough grasp of customer interactions, allowing you to refine experiences, enhance performance, and boost returns. This understanding enables you to identify what’s effective and what needs tweaking, allowing for the delivery of superior experiences, better performance, improved results, and increased ROI. More specifically, Google Analytics can assist you in understanding:

  • Who your audience is.
  • How users discover and engage with their website.
  • Which pages are deflecting, attracting, and converting visitors.
  • The duration visitors spend on your site and the number of pages they visit.
  • The efficacy of your online advertising campaigns, gauged against your set goals, such as click rates on .pdfs, form submissions, video views, etc.
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What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console helps you monitor your site’s performance on Google Search. It provides insights into organic search traffic, indexing status, and potential improvements. Unlike Google Analytics, which focuses on overall website data, Google Search Console emphasizes organic search results. It also identifies issues that might hinder your website’s visibility in search results.

Key features include:

  • Viewing Site Content: See how Google has indexed your site and ensure the right pages are crawled and stored.
  • Organic Search Data: Analyze which search queries direct users to your site and check impressions, clicks, and rankings on Google Search.
  • Issue Alerts and Fixes: Receive notifications about site problems, view affected URLs, and notify Google once resolved.
  • Content Submission: Submit sitemaps and specific URLs for crawling, ensuring Google has the latest view of your site.

In essence, Google Search Console provides insights into how Google sees your site, whereas Google Analytics tells you how visitors interact with it. Both tools, when used in tandem, offer a comprehensive view of your site’s performance and user engagement.

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What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a supportive tool for Google Analytics. It’s a tag management system that facilitates the creation, management, and deployment of tags on websites and mobile apps without requiring manual code updates. GTM is primarily used to set up and maintain complex tracking configurations. Instead of adding new code for every tracking requirement, users can manage all their tracking needs within GTM.

With Google Tag Manager, users can set triggers for vital actions on their website to monitor marketing performance. These actions can include button clicks, form submissions, purchases, downloads, video views, link clicks, and much more.

While GTM is a powerful and indispensable tool, it can seem overwhelming to those unfamiliar with website code and structure. The process of setting up and managing GTM can be challenging. Inaccuracies in GTM setup, haphazard tagging structures, and a lack of regular review can lead to misaligned tagging and, consequently, unreliable data. That’s where our expertise proves invaluable.

Our team of Google Tag Manager specialists manages the intricacies of your GTM account, allowing you to concentrate on your core business activities. We address your challenges by performing in-depth Google Tag Manager audits, crafting customized GTM strategies tailored to your business, offering continuous GTM consultations, and ensuring consistency in tagging and integrations throughout your account. With our advanced support, seasoned users can optimize their time, and beginners can navigate complex tracking setups more effortlessly.

Our Google Website Analytics Services

  • Strategic Planning: Strategic planning is at the foundation of a well-executed plan. Our strategic plans provide a clear roadmap, structured to convey a definite direction, yet flexible enough to allow for adjustments without straying from the intended course.
  • Account Setup: Paradigm specializes in setting up Google Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager accounts for sustained success. We ensure that your accounts are configured correctly, capturing vital data that accurately feeds into your analysis and all crucial aspects of your website are tracked accurately.
  • Account Audit: Our experts will meticulously audit your setup to identify any inaccuracies or gaps, ensuring that all collected data is clean, up-to-date, and consistently accurate. Whether you already have an account or are just beginning, we’ll thoroughly map your website to guarantee that vital pages, actions, and conversion points are tracked with precision.
  • Optimization and Reporting: We regularly schedule reporting sessions to provide updates on insights from our findings, the performance of your digital strategies, and potential future implications. Paradigm also offers advanced and tailored reporting options to ensure you fully harness the power of Google’s tools and streamline the decision-making process.
  • Consulting Services: If you already have your Google accounts in place but need help getting the most out of them, our Google experts are here to help. We’ll collaborate with you to identify your data objectives, interpret your current data, design custom reports, set up conversion pathways, and much more.

Now What?

Many companies do not realize that their Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Google Search Console accounts may not be set up or tracking accurately. This can result in incomplete insights, inaccurate readings, and misguided decisions.

If you choose to configure your Google accounts on your own, we recommend having another party review them to ensure optimal setup. However, if you’re not well-acquainted with Google’s platforms or encounter challenges along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.