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Enhance Your Digital Marketing With Email

Nearly 30 Years Of Experience Getting eMails Into Inboxes
Email marketing has a proven record of boosting brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, and promoting products. If you find yourself lacking the necessary staff, time, resources, or expertise, consider partnering with Paradigm.

Get a Quote

We offer comprehensive end-to-end or packaged services that seamlessly integrates with your business. From strategy development to execution, our compelling emails and marketing campaigns not only reach your target audience’s inbox but also encourage them to open them and take action.

Email Marketing Audit

We initiate the process with a comprehensive email marketing audit which serves as the foundation for strategy planning, implementation, optimization, and eventual growth. It is designed to identify areas of improvement and lay the groundwork for a more effective and successful email marketing strategy.

Email Marketing Campaign Strategies

Without a well-thought-out email marketing strategy, your email program is at risk of yielding a low return on investment (ROI) and potential failure. Paradigm’s approach to email marketing strategy and planning is rooted in understanding your unique needs and leveraging data-driven insights to craft campaigns that drive results and align with your overarching objectives. Combining knowledge about your current situation and future vision, we develop a comprehensive email marketing roadmap for optimal results.

List Generation

Before launching an email marketing campaign, you must first have a list of people to email. Lead generation campaigns are designed to help you build your contact database by offering valuable content. If the content is compelling enough, your audience will willingly provide their email addresses in exchange for access to it. As your list of contacts grows, your email marketing program will become increasingly robust and effective.

Email Segmentation

Having an email database is one thing, but understanding how to truly leverage it is another matter altogether. Everything from a recipient’s business, job title, and previous interactions with your content allows you to tailor and deliver unique, valuable content to various audience segments. Segmenting your email lists empowers you to craft personalized emails that directly address the pain points or interests of each specific audience segment. By creating targeted emails for these segments, you can significantly boost engagement and interaction, ultimately driving more meaningful conversions and higher rates of conversion.

Email Copywriting

No matter how robust your email strategy may be, it can fall short if your email copywriting doesn’t connect with your target audience. Paradigm excels at crafting effective email copy that are more likely to be opened, read, and responded to. Whether you require concise, transactional emails or comprehensive, informative email newsletters, our team of experts are well-equipped to create them.

Custom HTML & Responsive Design Email Templates

Paradigm’s production team can assist you with designing, coding, and deploying email templates to ensure a unified and recognizable appearance consistent across your entire email program or specific campaigns.

Campaign Implementation and Automation

We encompass everything from email automation strategy, to conceiving, constructing, and deploying intelligent, scalable automation programs that boost customer engagement and lifetime value.

Campaign Analysis and Reporting

In email marketing, it’s essential that you track campaign performance to ensure you’re effectively communicating with your audience. This is why we provide regular reporting detailing the performance of all your campaigns and marketing activities across key engagement metrics including open rates, click-through rates, deliverability, and bounce rates. In addition, we translate our findings and identify which tactics resonate with your audience and which marketing methods require refinement. This insightful information will enable you to make informed adjustments to optimize your email marketing program and sustain success.

Email Campaign Management And Optimization Services

If you don’t have the time and resources needed to oversee your campaigns, let us help you create, execute, and manage your email marketing efforts. Our end-to-end email campaign services are designed to help you plan and execute email campaigns that are punctual, cost-effective, and precise.

Types of Emails to Use

Paradigm manages and executes various email programs for our clients from set up to optimization. Here are some of the most common types:


Newsletters rank among the most widely favored email formats because they enable you to remain in constant contact with customers.

Promotional Emails

Sales and promotional emails serve the crucial purpose of persuading recipients to make a purchase. We understand that even a single typo can lead to your audience losing interest within seconds. That’s why we are committed to ensuring that your promotional emails are flawless and adhere to the best practices in email marketing.

Drip Campaign Emails

Drip campaigns can be set up to deploy a series of automated emails in a predefined sequence to specified prospects on a routine basis. Automate the customer lifecycle by nurturing your leads and developing deeper customer relationships with automated drip campaign emails.

Cart Abandoned Emails

Many digital shopping carts are left abandoned, meaning that potential buyers leave items in their carts without completing the purchase. Paradigm’s cart abandonment automation is designed to boost cart recovery rates. Abandoned cart emails serve as a useful tool to remind customers about the products they had shown interest in and provide them with an opportunity to complete the purchase.

Win-Back Program

Rekindle interest among inactive customers with captivating and pertinent emails. Paradigm can help you in reacquiring disengaged buyers, so they start opening, reading, and interacting with your emails again.

Regardless of the growth challenges you may be facing, Paradigm is here to provide the necessary expertise and experience to address them.

With Paradigm as your partner, launching and growing your business has never been easier. Our team of experts is dedicated to driving more leads to your business. Rely on our extensive expertise and knowledge to explore new opportunities for expanding your business.