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The Best Websites Are Envisioned Before Developed

The Best Websites Are Envisioned Before They Are Developed

The steps taken before a website is developed directly impacts its effectiveness. These steps are not technical and have nothing to do with coding, nor the website itself, but rather with understanding a website’s intended users

The 5 C’s: The Secret Behind High Performing Websites

Blogs, whitepapers, articles, and books focus on the attributes that describe a great website – clean layout, compelling copy, intuitive usability, and the like. Considering that the Internet is replete with platforms, components, and information to

It Takes UI to AcqUIre Customers

User Interface Design (UID) is an essential discipline for the development of user-friendly websites and applications. The value of User Interface Design resonates true when you consider John Lubbock's quote, "…what we see depends mainly on

Reasons to Redesign Your Website in 2021

Reasons to Redesign Your Website in 2021

There are three reasons why you should redesign your website in 2021. Missed objectives.  Because it did not meet expectations or goals set for it from the previous year. Examples include low conversion activity, form

Journey map

Why Every Website Revamp Should Begin with A Journey

Effective websites are like concierges when users have a positive online experience, finding everything easily, quickly, and effortlessly. Visitors leave the website satisfied with many good things to think about. In cases like this, it might

The Best Websites Are Envisioned Before They Are Developed

The steps taken before a website is developed directly impact its effectiveness. These steps are not technical and have nothing to do with coding, nor the website itself, but rather with understanding a website’s intended users