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Three Simple Tactics to Increase Conversion Rates

When creating a strategy behind a lead generation process, businesses need to consider the final step in the process, landing page conversion. Landing pages are the destination intended by any inbound marketing effort. Whether it be a

How to Use Low Risk Offers for Lead Generation

Last week, we discussed the top of the funnel and bottom of the funnel calls to action, the No Risk and Direct Business Offers. These call to action examples target the early-shopping stage prospect who has

What the Inaugural Speech Teaches Us About Lead Generation

What could the President’s inaugural speech have teach us about lead generation? Look at the following passage from Monday’s speech: “This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience

The Latest Call To Action Trend: Remarketing Your Business

Marketing companies and the businesses they support are always looking for ways to increase conversion rates on their calls to action. Whether you’re talking about offers that require an email address to obtain shared information or