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Effective Website Design Needs Sales-Focused Content

It’s as simple as this: when designed with your sales cycle in mind, your website can help differentiate your company from competitors, accelerate a buyer’s decision-making process, and win more business. However, your website could also work

Strategic Marketing Tactics for Social Media Lead Generation

90% of communication is non-verbal.  So, while contacting potential customers via social media is an efficient first step to a strategic marketing effort, face-to-face meetings could make you even more effective. There are a couple of advantages

Increase Sales with On Page and Off Page SEO

Companies use the term SEO interchangeably with lead generation because it is assumed both yield the same end result - fresh prospects.  While SEO is a critical first step in attracting potential customers to your site,

Increase Sales by Creating Sales Ready Prospects

There are ways to accelerate the sales cycle, read: “increase sales,” using a little forethought and simple automation.  Once implemented, you’ll capitalize on more opportunities, nurture more leads, and keep your sales pipeline flowing smoothly. Here’s a

Effectively Increase Sales: Manufacturing Sales Momentum

To consistently increase sales, maintaining momentum from lead to conversion can be challenging.  Many businesses don’t have a dedicated sales force or even a single staff member focused on new business development.  To survive, many companies

It Takes More Than Search To Generate Website Leads

In a Webmaster Help video earlier this month Google’s Matt Cutts warned against relying on Search Engines alone to generate website leads.  Even though Google has nearly 70% market share and their sites reach 92.2 percent

7 Direct Ways to Find Potential Customers on LinkedIn

As part of a strategic marketing plan, LinkedIn offers a highly-sophisticated channel to reach prospects, both directly and indirectly. Unfortunately, due to a simple lack of knowledge, the site is often underutilized for business development. There's more

LinkedIn Conversion Triggers

The purpose of your social media content is to further engage readers and deepen their trust in your brand.  Each segment on LinkedIn where you share content is a crossroads on the path to decision making