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Layouts Changes for Facebook and SEO

Yes, Facebook layouts have more changes. Users are up in arms and companies wonder how it will affect the SEO benefits that Facebook provides. Is there any negative effect to SEO for businesses? To put it

Blog your Way to Better Ranking: Blogging for SEO

The content strategy in place to support your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an integral tool to reaching the rank you want on the Big 3 search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Consistent blogging for

Integrate Social Media and SEO for Better ROI

It is the similarities between SEO and Social Media that allow them to work together easily to the benefit of your online business. How so, you ask? A Social Media plan relies largely on the content

Local Search Engine Optimization Retakes the Spotlight

While many national brands continue to focus their efforts on national branding on most levels, there is a renewed trend for both local and national companies to focus on their local market both online and off.

Web Content Strategy for SEO

Your website’s SEO is dependent on several different internal and external factors. Oftentimes the content on a website becomes stale due to lack of updating and that can have a drastic (hear “negative) effect on your

Twitter and SEO

Can you really increase your SEO by 140 characters at a time? Absolutely. Twitter is the most popular micro-blog site on the web, and companies with a well-thought-outTwitter strategy can really make headway for their brand.

How to Use Search Engine Optimization Effectively

Search engine optimization isn’t a new subject for any company with a website. It is understood that in order to top out in search engine rankings, businesses have to continually invest in Search Engine Optimization techniques

SEO in 2011

Search Engine Optimization, SEO. The ability to ensure that your website ranks high on the first page based on keyword searches by web users. Within the top 5 on that first page of search results is