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Twitter: An Overlooked Business Tool

Companies that only view Twitter as a means of tweeting are missing their greatest values: identifying, listening, and connecting with potential customers…in real-time.  Combining Twitter with complimentary platforms from other companies makes it an underutilized marketing

Turn Your Linkedin Photo Into A Visual Profile

People recall information interpreted from a picture more vividly and for a longer period of time than words and sentences alone. Even from a quick scan, people experience a higher recall rate about what is

3 Content Development Secrets your Business Needs

When any company engages in a marketing strategy, content development is at the heart of the conversation. Content development can be used for website expansion, ad campaigns, blogs, twitter, and Facebook. In other words, without content

Sending a Business Email that Drives Internet Leads

The goal of sending a business email is to drive internet leads. Regular email blasts are a staple in most business’ marketing strategies, however, they require proper management as well as a few starting guidelines to

What Makes Up Effective Social Media Marketing Services?

So, if you’re a business owner, you’ve heard of social media marketing services. There’s also a good chance you’ve had prospective vendors reach out to you telling you why you need social media marketing services for