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Google Search Console

Is Google Search Console Worth It?

Most Digital Marketers know that Google Analytics enables companies to understand the behaviors of their website visitors. However, there are several important variables that are not included in Google Analytics that can be found on Google

3 Types of Semantic Markup to Enhance your SEO

In our last blog, we referenced how semantic markups within your website’s HTML code could help impact your company’s page rank performance and ability to stand out on search results pages. If you are a business

Ad Content to Your Site That Leads To Web Conversion

Websites are built to convert your site visitors to prospective customers either through education, brand development or direct sales. With this in mind, a website is really just a sales tool, intended to warm the lead

Strategic Marketing Tactics for Social Media Lead Generation

90% of communication is non-verbal.  So, while contacting potential customers via social media is an efficient first step to a strategic marketing effort, face-to-face meetings could make you even more effective. There are a couple of advantages

Increase Sales with On Page and Off Page SEO

Companies use the term SEO interchangeably with lead generation because it is assumed both yield the same end result - fresh prospects.  While SEO is a critical first step in attracting potential customers to your site,

Google’s New Mobile Device Oriented SEO Element

Google has hardcoded new elements that are directly tied to mobile search into its most current search equation that could impact your SEO efforts.  Interestingly, these critical factors have less to do with content and code